Why choose
Private Brokers?

Prístup k stovkám aktív v modernej platforme, to je základ. Prepojenie s TradingView je štandard. Ale pomoc, osobná a odborná, tú u nás máte naviac.

Poskytneme vám potrebné informácie na zorientovanie sa v problematike obchodovania a trhov, prevedieme vás registráciou i správou platformy a pomôžeme vám, keď to budete potrebovať – bez ohľadu na výšku vášho vkladu. 

Regulated by NBS

Disponujeme licenciou od Národnej Banky Slovenska. Platforma je prevádzkovaná spoločnosťou HABERL Wealth Management, o.c.p., a.s.

Personal advisors

You always have someone to turn to. We will advise, explain, consult.


We have a long history of helping investors appreciate their assets.


Buy with a few clicks and top trading tools. You choose what suits you.

Get to know all our investment opportunities

Investing in shares

Get access to hundreds of stocks in global markets

Physical actions

All the shares in your portfolio are owned by you and held under your name.

Form W-8 BEN

By completing the form, you will avoid double taxation of dividends on your shares.

240+ shares

Dividend yields or capital growth. Choose the strategy that suits you.

CFD indices

Trade global CFD indices with low spreads

Lever 1:20

Increase the buying power of both short and long positions when trading CFD indices.

Professional tools

There are charts, indicators and indicators to help you analyse the market.

25+ indices

You can choose from US30, UK100, GER30 and many other popular indices.

Forex CFDs

Trade popular CFD currency pairs with low spreads

Lever 1:30

Increase the buying power of both short and long positions when trading CFD forex.

Professional tools

There are charts, indicators and indicators to help you analyse the market.

40+ currency pairs

You can choose from EURUSD, USDCHF and other popular forex pairs.

Commodities CFDs

Trade the most popular CFD commodities with low spreads

Lever 1:10

Increase the buying power of both short and long positions when trading CFD commodities.

Professional tools

There are charts, indicators and indicators to help you analyse the market.

10+ well-known commodities

You can choose from oil, gold, cocoa and other well-known commodities.

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