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Winner and loser: Apple & Cruise

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Apple is expected to launch a new version of its Vision Pro mixed reality device, powered by the M5 chip, in 2025. This update is expected to significantly improve the user experience and likely integrate advanced AI features.


General Motors' subsidiary, Cruise, entered into a settlement with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) over incomplete crash reports involving its automated driving systems. This settlement resolves a specific incident in which a Cruise vehicle struck a pedestrian after a crash. As part of the agreement, Cruise took steps to improve its compliance and safety practices.

Uvedené údaje a informácie predstavujú marketingové oznámenie spoločnosti HABERL Wealth Management, o.c.p., a.s.. Toto marketingové oznámenie slúži len na informačné účely a informácie v ňom uvedené nie sú investičným poradenstvom alebo osobným odporúčaním. Investovanie je spojené s rizikom straty. Pred investovaním by ste mali zvážiť a pochopiť všetky riziká spojené s investíciou. Investujte zodpovedne.

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